Our Hearing and Audiology Services
Unlike hearing aid dispensers, a team of certified audiologists, can thoroughly evaluate your hearing and recommend a customized solution, including digital, programmable, and sometimes nearly invisible hearing aids. Every patient is entitled to a two-month trial refundable period when hearing aids are appropriate.
Diagnostic Testing including audiometry, tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions, ABR and VNG.

Hearing Aids & Accessories
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. It is a device designed to help utilize the auditory system to its fullest. Essentially the function of a hearing aid is to make everything louder. When one loses their hearing, they lose their ability to detect soft sounds. The hearing aid just makes these soft sounds loud enough to be audible. It makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate, and participate more fully in daily activities. A hearing aid can help people hear more in both quiet and noisy situations. However, only about one out of five people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually uses one.
- FM Systems and Bluetooth Accessories
- Phonak, Widex, & Signia/TruHearing
Implantable Hearing Devices

Cochlear Implant

Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha Implant)

Earlens is the only hearing aid to use light to transmit sound, delivering the most complete sound of any hearing aid on the market.